become a member

NCMA is a fast-growing, collaborative network of contract management and acquisition professionals. Individual Membership provides access to our sound contract management practices, certification programs, professional development and multiple networks for the free exchange of ideas.  

NCMA Boston comprises professionals spanning contracts, procurement, law, and many adjacent fields, with backgrounds in academia, government, and industry. We are brought together by our shared drive for professional development and the advancement of the craft. Our vision at NCMA Boston is to foster that development and provide access to resources that can assist you in achieving professional goals.

NCMA Boston strives to stay aligned with the evolving needs and interests of a diverse membership base. With the support of the NCMA national organization, the Boston Chapter works to connect individual members and organizations with access to industry measurables and information through the following:


Save your organization money and reap bigger benefits with an organizational subscription! Available to groups of ten employees or more.

NCMA Organizational Subscriptions (OS) are for agencies or companies that want to provide the benefits of membership to their employees, while having the ability to transfer access throughout the year. This is an allowed cost, and the requirement is that an agency or company needs to purchase a minimum of 10 or more “seats” to be eligible. Each seat is owned by the agency or company, not the individual. In other words, these “seats” are transferrable. Professional development of your staff is your competitive advantage! This offering allows them to access the tools to perform for our respective organizations, and get them formally aligned with our Boston Chapter!